why do dogs love tennis balls

The Tennis Ball Obsession: Why Dogs Just Can’t Get Enough

Your dog’s toy box has plenty of toys, but only one is the one that truly gets your pet’s juices flowing. Yes, it is that green or yellow tennis ball. Tennis balls are a universally liked toy. Almost any dog loves them. But why do dogs love tennis balls?

Well, we can start with the bright color, continue with the fuzzy texture, and finish off with how they bounce. Let’s take a deeper dive into this obsession.

The Logic Behind Dogs and Balls

Small moving objects stimulate the fetch/hunt instinct in your pup. Tennis balls are round, they move easily and tend to be bright yellow or green. Unlike other toys that do not move easily, tennis balls just go with the flow. They also have a good mouth feel. While some dogs are too hard or too soft, tennis balls hit that sweet spot for your dog.

Why Do Dogs Love Tennis Balls – Understanding Dogs’ Instincts

Dogs evolved from wolves, animals that have a natural prey drive. Most dogs nowadays have a prey drive, some larger than others. They love to chase and catch things that moves, an instinct from their hunting days.

Tennis balls trigger that natural prey drive in your pup. They bounce and roll similar to how small animals move. It makes your dog eager to chase, jump, and catch them.

Think of their predecessors. Wolves have an instinct to bring back their prey to the den to feed their pack. This behavior is deeply recessed within domesticated dogs. Throw a ball, and your dog will jump in happiness to hunt and kill.

Some dogs love fetch more than others (hello Retriever breeds). Some breeds have been bred specifically to retrieve animals during hunting.

Nowadays, dogs are domesticated to the point there are no more animals to chase or retrieve. Balls have replaced that.

Tennis Balls are Fun to Chew On

Besides chasing, dogs love chewing on tennis balls. They feel good in their mouth and their fuzzy texture is different than most dog toys on the market. The texture provides a nice massage in your dog’s mouth. While companies making tennis balls didn’t have dogs in mind, they have somehow managed to hit the sweet spot between hard and soft. Your dogs can sink their teeth into the yielding texture and enjoy it for hours.

Why Do Dogs Enjoy Fetch So Much?

Tennis balls also give dogs another reason to be happy. A game of fetch is fun. When dogs chase the ball and return it to their master, they feel like they have accomplished something. It gives them pleasure. Add in a treat or another throw as a reward, and it is a never-ending cycle of enjoyment and rewards.

If we go deeper into dog psychology, a game of fetch stimulates the reward regions of the brain. Playing it makes them feel good.

Is it Just Tennis Balls Or?

It is not that dogs love tennis balls in particular. Dogs with a decent prey drive will get attached to anything thrown for chasing. But as we talked before, tennis balls have hit a sweet spot. They are a comfortable fit for an average size dog mouth and have a nice fuzzy surface. Tennis balls have some bounce in them, and loft that an average person can easily throw and fly at some distance.

Why Should Your Dog Play With Tennis Balls

Now that we talked about why do dogs love tennis balls, let’s talk about the benefits of playing with them. Here are some good reasons to throw the ball to your furry friend.

  • Chasing tennis balls gets your dog moving and provides plenty of cardio and physical activity.
  • Chasing and fetching improves your dog’s problem-solving skills.
  • The workout builds strong muscles in your and prevents any weight-related problems.
  • Tennis balls provide an enjoyable challenge, keeping your dog’s mind active.
  • Playing with tennis balls prevents boredom and any destructive behavior that comes with it.
  • A game of fetch is a great bonding experience for you and your pup.

What To Do If Your Dog Eats a Tennis Ball?

If your dog swallows part of all of a tennis ball, you should act fast. Call your vet. In most cases, if it is just small pieces and your dog seems fine, you shouldn’t worry. You shouldn’t induce vomiting.

Yet, if your dog has trouble breathing and throws up, take him to the vet right away.

How to Keep Tennis Balls Clean

Tennis balls are great because they get all the dirt and earthy scents attached to them. But every now and then, you need to wash them. Wash tennis balls with soap and water and then rinse thoroughly. If you like a deeper cleaning, put them in a mesh bag and run them through the washing machine.

When tennis balls show signs of wear, like fraying, replace them. Also, replace the balls when they no longer bounce.

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